Saturday, November 21, 2015

Final Project Idea.

Some ideas floating around for my final project. Idea may change.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Maya 3D Modeling Interior Space Lighting

Adding lights to the scene. The orange lights are to resemble lit torches. May modeling some torches in later. I tried to give the space a very aerie, creepy feeling. I've been getting inspiration from some  of the newer indie horror games that have been released in recent years.

Maya 3D Modeling Interior Space Texturing

Staring to apply simple textures to the floor and walls.

Maya 3D Modeling Interior Space

Creating an interior space. This space will include basic texture work and lighting within the Maya software. I decided to go with a confined hallway. I've been playing a bit of Chivalry Medieval Warfare so I got dungeon-type spaces in mind.

Maya 3D Modeling

Working on a city environment. Trying to convey depth with using simple blocks and adding small details using the various tools Maya has.